This is a short term Investment program, where you can invest as little as you can and get 10x your initial investment in 14 days; Dap investment has really made a lot of people millionaires here in USA, Canada and Asia.

DAP INVESTMENT  is a Real Estate, Oil and Gas investment, Forex trading and finance group. The Company was established in February 2002 by Open Investment Inc & Building Resort Co.,ltd
  Dap Investment Has gotten about 22,200 Investors In Past Years and Looking for more Investors.
 The investment strategy of the Company is focused on the diversification of its project portfolio across attractive segments of the US, Russian, Malaysia, real estate, Oil and Gas market, in US, Moscow and the surrounding regions, as well as in Central US, South of Russia and Malaysia, while maintaining a balance between investments in development projects and the retention of income producing properties.
   The Company plans to actively grow its land bank, Real Estate, Forex Trade and Oil and Gas, seeking to acquire quality land plots suitable for residential and other developments in US Region, and world wide, typically close to attractive recreational areas such as waterways and woodlands, with convenient current or planned transport links to USA.

 The Company's real estate portfolio includes:   Real Estate Investment is now treated as a major case of capital budgeting by using state-of-the-art investment analysis which incorporates the future stream of income it may generate and the associated risk adjustments. It has been the highlight of the investment literature since the 1970’s when investment theorists extended techniques such as probability, time value of money and utility into its analysis. Real estate is basically defined as immovable property such as land and everything permanently attached to it like buildings. Real property as opposed to personal or movable property is characterized by the right to transfer the title to the land whereas title to personal property can be retained. . Real estate investment can be attractive if viewed as a business opportunity; it can generate rental income, using it as collateral to secure a loan for a business venture, to offset otherwise taxable income through cash savings on tax-deductible interest rate losses, or simply from the profits garnered from its resale. Notable, in this context is the gains reaped by real estate speculators who trade in real estate futures (by buying and selling purchase options).

- Class A office space:
  Meyer hold Class A business centre;
New York Class A business centre, currently under development in New York;
Diamond Plaza Hotel Class A business centre, planned to be developed near to the 'Thailand' project.

- Prefabricated timber frame housing:

Viceroy Homes Limited
 - Development projects' management and consulting services:
Central Ring Road of Moscow Region (TSKAD);
Mountain Ski Resort Rosa Khutor.

The Company’s Oil and Gas Portfolio Includes:
      Oil and gas investing is hot – just ask the hedge funds. Oil exploration and production companies and the related oil field service and supply sector are earning record returns for shareholders. These high margins have attracted the hedge fund community, which is focused on markets that exhibit extreme price volatility, and the petroleum sector with its history of "up" cycles and "down" periods certainly qualifies. Hedge funds are able to earn significant returns for their investors by recognizing and taking advantage of these cycles.
 Oil and gas investing – particularly in North America – is the focus of the monthly
Oil & Gas Financial Journal, a sister publication to the venerable 105-year-old Oil & Gas Journal, often referred to as the "Bible of the oil and gas industry." Both magazines are based in Houston, Texas, widely recognized as the "Energy Capital of the World.” Where we have More Investment”.

   Considers a worthwhile oil reserve / field differ greatly from what Dap Investment considers a worthwhile reserve/field. For example Chevron isn’t interested in a field with 100 wells each producing 20 barrel per well per day, with their lifting cost (the cost to get a barrel of oil out of the ground and to a refinery) being so astronomically high for them in the $35.00 per barrel range, they would need much greater production more along the lines of 750-2000 barrel per day per well. The fields that “big oil” doesn’t want anything to do with are exactly the fields that Dap Investment wants to acquire and having the real time data and abandoned hardware already in place and working with an $18.00 per barrel lifting cost these fields with proven reserves which were producing when they were abandoned 25 years ago are the reason why Dap Investment will be a huge success. Some quick math using the afore mentioned field that had 100 orphaned wells each averaging 20Barrels per day production and was rejected by “big oil”. Oil is trading recently at $57.00 per barrel.


 The company Forex Trading Portfolio Include:
    Forex trading is investing currency and it’s the easiest and profitable Business you can do....Forex Trading is buying and selling of currency through a broker or institution without any physical settlement. Forex trading involves no commission and the whole forex trading industry works on spreads between buy and sell rate. We know the secret of forex trading here in Dap Investment and it helps us make up to millions of dollars daily. Therefore, Forex Investments requires high investment and short period of time to make it profitable.
Forex Trading business is quick, efficient and flexible as on an average, leverage available to trader is order to be a successful trader in forex, one has to have all the pre-requisites.

DAP INVESTMENT:  we remain committed to our original vision and dedication to quality as we forge ahead to even greater success. So Your Investment is secure and safe with us. We have decided to pay all Investors 10 times what they have invested in 14 days.

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